Like us, many of our guests, find after their first Safari, that they are intoxicated with Africa, suffering from what we fondly call “The African Bug”. Further Afield, outside of Tanzania’s borders, throughout East Africa, and further still in southern Africa, and the Mascarenes, lay in waiting, uncountable opportunities for exploration, wildlife encounters, and wilderness travel. Along the last 25 years we have assisted our loyal repeat guests that grew accustomed to the Matembezi experience and our style of guiding, offering anything from short extensions to our Tanzanian Safari in Seychelles and Rwanda, to full-fledged expeditions in the Congo and Madagascar.

Gorilla encounters in the montane forests of Rwanda is a classic addition to a Tanzanian wildlife Safari. For the more adventurous, Virunga National Park in Congo, one the world’s most diverse and beautiful parks, offers a unique experience that includes both Gorilla and Chimp trekking as well as hiking up the active Volcano Nyiragongo, to see the world’s largest active lava lake. South Africa’s coast draws us again and again to witness the world’s greatest marine adventure: the annual “Sardine Run”, and to enjoy the best shark diving on the planet; while Madagascar draws us in with its unique animal encounters, and the beauty if its people, culture and landscapes. Walking with Elephants in Botswana, Island hopping in Seychelles, or exploring the tribal lands of South Ethiopia, Africa is like a treasure chest of exhilarating experiences that await us.